Badminton Costs: Year End Total

So let me figure out my costs in December and then I can add them all up to see how much money I’ve spent in 2015 (well, basically the last three months of the year, since my spending was negligible before that.)


Spent very little this month. Only bought some leggings and some new tape for my grip. Of course I bought them all at my accidental sponsor of Decathalon.

Total cost: 123rmb ($19)


Luckily Christmas and New Years fell later in the week so I didn’t have to miss any badminton class. Four weeks for me!

Total cost: 600rmb ($92)

Court Time:

Unfortunately Christmas did interfere with badminton with my group, and New Years was supposed to, but we still went a played and forgot about New Years parties because playing badminton was more fun anyway. So in total I went 7 times this month.

Total cost: 140rmb ($21)


This is a new category, but the only gifts I bought were for badminton people, so I should include it. I bought little key chains for everyone in my group, and cups for my teacher and two friends (whom I went to watch the pro badminton game with.)

Total cost: 175rmb ($27)

Total costs for November: 1038rmb ($159)

2015 Grand Total: 3343rmb ($512)

It starts to add up, eh? Well, like I always say, it’s money well spent.

I’ll start my grand total back to zero next January.


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