Don’t Forget to Sign up For the Badminton Training Camp! One Month Remaining!

Hey all, just a reminder about the badminton training camp in Xiamen, China this summer. Registration is open, and people are signing up! So if you’ve been mulling it over, now is the time to make the decision.

You can go to this page for all the details but it is July 14-22nd in my city in China! It will be a week of serious training and playing with a whole lotta fun thrown into it too.

I thought people would be most interested about training the Chinese badminton technique but it turns out a lot of you are also interested in learning Chinese. If you are a badminton lover and learning Chinese then is double perfect. You’ll still have translators of course, but if you want to speak Chinese and learn badminton vocabulary the coaches would be happy to help with that!

The trip includes:

8 nights Hotel
Coach fees
Court and shuttle fees
Daily evening club play (including shuttles)
Welcome dinner
Goodbye dinner
6 lunches
Transportation to and from the courts from your hotel
Commemorative T-shirt
Student helper/translator available all day
Snacks at court

Not included:
Health insurance (Must have!)
Dinners (except the first and last night)
Breakfasts (if you choose the 5-star hotel breakfast is included)
Drinks during training

Because of the Chinese visa, which takes a few weeks to get, registration Will CLOSE on June 14th. We have participants and it is definitely happening so if you have been thinking about it, now is the time to make the final decision.

Remember, check out the official training page for more details and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

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