Is Playing Badminton Embarrassing?

We all know that badminton isn’t a mainstream sport, but is it embarrassing to be “caught” playing it? Or is it not the sport but the age? In a recent conversation another 40-something badminton fan and I were talking and we both realized that we don’t brag and announce badminton as loudly as some people do with Golf or Tennis. Why is that?


  1. Phichsuong

    I totally agree with you in term of western and Eastern culture. I am an Asian and been living in the Texas for almost 10 ten years. When I told my friend I’m going to play badminton or I have badminton club, my friends’ expression was like “you play badminton as a sport?” But I don’t care what they think because most of the people in my club are Asian and most are Chinese older men. They play seriously and I don’t think it embarrassing because they loving it, it a good exercise for them, and they look fit at age 50-60. As a kinesiology major I think older people should play recreational sports so they can get their exercises of the day and playing sport that you like make you feel that exercise is not boring and it will become your weekly or daily routine. That why older Asians are so fit because they exerciseb regularly, as well as their diet. Sorry it a long comment but I had a lot to say.

    1. Becky (Post author)

      So we are basically the same but opposite. I’m American who’s been living in Asia for 10 years and you’re Asian who’s been living in America for 10 years! Lol. I really wish more americans would play the sport and realize what a tough sport it actually is! So I’m counting on you to introduce some local friends to it and make badminton more popular in America. 😉

  2. Amanda Bloss

    Excellent piece – really interesting. My experience is more that older people want to play ‘for fun’ but are less focused on improving. But why would you want to keep making the same mistakes over and over? I love calling myself an athlete but I do feel quite vain describing myself in this way. I’m not sure that in Britain 52 year old women like me – who are not professional sportspeople – are expected to boast about how much work they got through at the gym.

    1. Becky (Post author)

      I also don’t get the “play for fun” mentality, but perhaps we are more competitive then the average person. Maybe you aren’t expected to boast about it, but I hope you do! Because people need to hear other voices besides super fit 20-something players, ya know?


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