Tag Archive: badminton
Lee Chong Wei Movie Review!

My next vlog is up! This one is a review of the Lee Chong Wei movie. I saw it because I was sick (and therefore didn’t play badminton, so I had a free night) but I was really “lucky” to…
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Competition Results
Here is the exciting conclusion to the National Fitness Competition! I really like getting to the second day of a two day competition. There are less people and the higher level people tend to be the same,…
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Badminton Becky Vlog #2 is up!

Here’s the next vlog! I know, sorry about the sound in the beginning. I couldn’t use headphones because I was too far away. I got some wireless headphones for next time though. And if you like my vlog and…
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Badminton Becky Becomes a Youtuber!

OMG y’all I’m a vlogger! That’s right, I thought it was time to take Badminton Becky to the next level and start a vlog. After all, sports is very much a visual thing and while I love, love, love writing,…
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I’ve Always Said my City Had the Best Badminton Players in China and Now I Can Prove it!

So remember a few months ago when I said my coach got 2nd place in men’s singles at a city tournament? Well, first and second place winners of every game became a new team that went to compete in the…
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A Badminton Player Made the Forbes Highest-Paid Female Athletes List?!

My dad sent me an e-mail with a link to an article. Obviously it was about badminton, and the link said “You’ve never heard of this ridiculously rich female athlete.” In the few seconds between me reading the link and…
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Holiday Over, Now’s the Time to Lose the Weight!

I’m baaaaackk. Did’ja miss me? Well, I certainly missed badminton. But it was nice to take a break and eat amazing food, do some writing and see some cool thing. And for the first week I thought of badminton rarely….
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2018 China Badminton Training Camp Wrap-up!

So the 2018 China Badminton training camp finished last weekend and it could not have gone better. Everything worked out, everyone got a ton of training and playing, and everyone left both healthy and happy (though very exhausted which was…
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Getting Ready for the Badminton Training Camp!

Three weeks ago my classes ended. You’d think I’d be living the life now that I have no work for the next 11 weeks, but actually I’m just as busy, if not more so, then when I was working. First…
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